Friday, September 3, 2010


Actually Scotland n ICC offi. can not understand all this drama ever …. Bt I think ALL INDIANS will agree with dis …… Here’s sm details of d big scandal : Bcoz of tight security , restrictions n constant watches of anti currption squad, It is very hard conditions for bookies to make a big deal now….. n players r also scared to do lik this …. So bookies r trying to convince players in this kind of list risk deals lik spot fixing…. n making them agree easily bcoz players (including d players who had never deal for their gameloss or any kind of country loss) also lik dat non risk formula … (“SAAP BHI MARE,LATHI BHI N TUTE TO KYA PROBLEM HE BHAIJAAN”) THE another face of it : PCB itselfs involved in dis …. Becoz all the great institutions in pak r feeling proud to funding in terrorism activities … n according to their mentality D art OF playing cricket must have to help their communities n giv one share of income to it ……(CRICKET BADA YA KOM  )dats y they r using fixer cricketers n makin their kind of heroes of PAK……………….N sharing all the money SM BIG NAMES r also connected with three fixers .. so they r hiding this … first they agree with London police n now they r defending this 3 , its their strategy to handel it nicely……….. if pcb is not involved , how can bookies meet to players so easily in this kind of security…. Players only can not manage dis.. n I think if pcb had don all this for PAK flood relief funding , they hav to prepare now for the biggest attacking flood of slag to their country……… 

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