India's former captain Kapil Dev has asked the International Cricket Council and its member countries to ensure that Pakistan cricket is not damaged badly by the spot betting scam currently under probe in England.
Kapil told Geo Super channel that Pakistan cricket was an important part of international cricket and the ICC and its member nations needed to sit down and put their heads together to find out ways to ensurePakistan cricket was not hurt permanently by the fixing scandal.
"The ICC is the sport's world body and its duty is to ensure that its rules and regulations are also followed properly and they need to see how to avoid such situations in future," he said.
Kapil said that as a cricketer he was ashamed with the latest scandal and the way the image of cricket was being hurt but instead of criticism concrete steps were required to educate future generation of cricketers.
"Everybody makes mistakes but you can't hang them, you need to reform them and make them aware about the pitfalls of mixing with undesirable characters. There is a dire need to educate these cricketers.
"We need to work together to save this great sport. This scandal has obviously hurt cricket and understandably the people who support cricketers and the game are also angry but we need to work jointly to win back their confidence.
"Our young players must be educated and Pakistan cricket needs support. They have already suffered because of the security issues in their country," he said.
Kapil, who led India to the 1983 World Cup title win, also felt that only one man could dig Pakistan cricket out of its current state of controversies and problems.
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